Thursday, January 17, 2008

Quick Update

I just tried to buy an adapter so that I could download pics onto my pc, but once again, no luck. Curses!!

Anyhoo...I've been attempting the art of skate skiing again this season. It depends on the day but it seems to be going ok. Pretty cold today but I'm thinking I might head up to the Nordic Center and give it a whirl.

Did a bit of back country skiing last weekend with some girlies and had a good time...or did we have a better time at the brewery afterwards?? It's close; both were fun.

Spin class has been going well. Between 5 and 10 participants each time. If you're interested, just call the Hub or post a comment. It's Mondays and Fridays at The Village Hub from 6-7pm. Join us!

I'm going to a yoga class this a.m. with some buddies from the shop. We'll see how that goes. The last time I went to a yoga class was about 5 years ago trying to get ready for an adventure race. Liked it then, hope to like it still.

My buddies Charlie and Troy are up from Omaha this weekend so that should be fun. They're travelling around Colorado snowboarding. Lucky ducks.

Last but certainly not least: The Snowshoe Fest!!!! This Saturday, January 19th, Grand Lake, be there or be square. Activities all day starting with the race, which Tim's directing again this year, that starts at 10 a.m.!!!!

Over and out.


Sarah J said...

So, Yoga kicked my butt! And, I'm afraid that spin class will just compound my pain. We'll see I guess.

Anonymous said...



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