Wednesday, February 20, 2008


A few Omaha buddies are headed this way for the weekend and a bunch of us from up here are meeting them at W.P. for some fun on the hill. Join us!!


T-bone said...

Well, it's March 20th. Don't you think it's about time to make a new post?

Grand Life said...

I hope you post more pictures of our beloved town. O.K. our family just spends 6 months a year at our home there but there usually the best 6 months. We've had a home there for 36 years and try to be active in community in the summer. We have 7 active mountain bikers in the extended family. I'm sure they would want to ride with you this summer. Is it open to the public.

Sarah J said...

Sorry for the lack of pictures. Our computer at home is on the fritz currently and our camera is M.I.A. I hope to locate it sooner or later and then the posts will be a bit prettier. As far as the rides go, heck yes they're open to anyone and everyone. Hope you'll join us some time!!

Anonymous said...



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