Monday, August 18, 2008

New Rec District Trails

Basically every Monday and Thursday ride has turned into checking out the new progress on the rec trails. Here are some photos...

Tim & Janice have been putting in lots-o-hours on these trails and the word is starting to get out. Several times when we've met in the parking lot for the ride, other cars are there; we have mixed feelings about this. Part of me thinks it's great to have people out there enjoying and checking out the trails we've worked on, and the other part thinks, "these are our trails dang it!" Oh well. Nothing we can do now.


Margaret Cloud said...
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Margaret Cloud said...

That one brown dog sure looks big, nice photos.

Anonymous said...

very nice photos...

Kristen Lodge said...

News of the new trails system is making its way down valley (Fraser/Granby). Can't wait to check them out. Are there any maps yet?
