Friday, December 14, 2007

The Village Hub Customer Appreciation Nite

Oh what a night!!! Wednesday we had a little get together to celebrate the Hub's first birthday. Happy Birthday Hub! We've almost burned you to the ground (intentionally & unintentionally) but somehow we've all made it through the first year. Hooray! Robert "the Guitar Man" played, as well as Jeff Higley with his guitar, and then a guest musician from Ohio, Amy, and Craig, and Mari (some regulars) whooped it up with a flute, guitar, and wooden spoons. It was pretty dern fun if I do say so myself. My parents came up from O-town for the occasion and brought us a fireplace which has made the newer side of the shop a lot more cozy. Thanks guys. Also, thanks to all of our locals who get us through the winter!
I'm desperately trying to post some pictures and my computer is the problem, I think, not the camera's memory card. Shucks!!!


Anonymous said...

Use a bigger stick then.

Sarah J said...

Thank you, Joe; that's a great idea. (I wish that sarcasm was detectable via the interweb.)

sheila said...

I wish I was invited, only if I lived here!! LOL

Anonymous said...



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